Thursday, 10 September 2015

GMO Rhinos and Elephants to be Unattractive to Poachers

 A Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is one whose gene setup has been manipulated to either enhance or suppress certain traits. Various methods are used to achieve this but all entail microscopic attention to detail.

Man has always tried to influence his environment in order to overcome challenges such as food shortages and aesthetic displeasure. Towards this end, he has engaged the use of GMO technology in the fields of research and medicine. It has been reported that the protein base used in medicine is now largely produced in the laboratory using GMO technology.

Advantages of GMO
GMO has many advantages. Key among these however is the ability to have plants and animals that give higher yields, and are resistant to pests and diseases. GMO has also been used to propagate desirable traits mostly in plants. Such traits include the colours of flowers and fruits, and the shape of fruits. It is in the light of this that I propose to scientists to come up with a genetic way of changing the composition of rhino horns and elephant tusks. If this is done, poachers will not be interested in the animals because those trophies will only be worth their weight in plastic.

Disadvantages of GMO
Most of what has been propagated as disadvantages of GMO has not been entirely true. It has reeked more of politics than fact. Claiming, for instance, that GMO causes cancer is an assertion that, while it might have some truth in it, does not have the scientific backing required. Be that as it may, GMOs have certain disadvantages such as the fact that they lead to the extinction of indigenous strains of crops. The cost of GMO seed is also relatively high owing to the fact that a lot of investment is put into research and development of the same.

GMO seed is usually patented and if it pollinates a neighbour’s crops, that neighbour might be considered liable for theft of intellectual property. This can lead to tension where lawsuits may end up causing bankruptcy on farmers who have not embraced the GMO technology.

Beggars Becoming Choosers
Our country is still developing and this means that we do not always have what we need. We are often unable to feed ourselves thus requiring us to seek the assistance of our rich friends. It is however comical when these same Friends decide to bless us with GMO food so as to save us from starvation and we say no. We say we need food but it must not be GMO. Is this a case of Beggars becoming Choosers?

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