Thursday 7 January 2016

Junk Food should be Categorised as a Narcotic

A narcotic is defined as a drug or other substance affecting mood or behaviour and sold for non-medical purposes, especially an illegal one. I know from the definition that most of you are almost signing out because you don't think your beloved junk food should appear in the same sentence as drugs. Before you go, I beg that you hear me out so that you may make an informed decision.

Junk food is defined as food of low nutritional value that is typically produced in the form of packaged snacks needing little or no preparation. From the definition, it sounds very innocent. However, once you get to know the effects of junk food on your body, you will realise it's not as safe as it sounds.

Processed Food
Almost all food getting to our tables today is processed in some way. People no longer go to their kitchen garden to get their fresh produce. Instead, they visit the supermarket where they get even their vegetables pre-packed. Grain food such as maize and wheat is rarely sold in it's basic unprocessed form. Most is shelled and fine-ground with most of the components removed, save for the starchy part. This means that even your beloved ugali or chapatti is highly processed even before you cook it.

Addictive Designer Food
I have seen the labels on potato crisps packets. They use such words as "perfectly salted" or, "one is never enough". This means that someone has sat down and designed the food all the way from the way it tastes, to the way it "melts" in your mouth. You will never forget the first bite. Once you eat this food, you are "hooked" for life. You will always find yourself craving for more and you will never have enough of it.

Negative Health Effects of Junk Food
I will not be saying anything new if I talk about the profound negative effects of junk food. The only reason I have for repeating the lesson is the apparent ignorance of most people on what their eating habits are doing to them.

Obesity is on the rise due to an increased intake of junk food. It is unfortunate that this is afflicting even young children who are often weaned on a diet of junk food. Obesity by itself would not be so bad if it didn't come with so many other health implications. The main ones that come to mind are hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and joint problems.

High cholesterol levels may not always be connected to obesity but are closely connected. An intake of foods high in cholesterol (especially bad cholesterol, found in junk food), leads to a build-up of the same with the accompanying problems such as constricted arteries.

Extensive Advertisement
It is now illegal to advertise cigarettes due to the harm they cause to users' health. Narcotic drugs are illegal and so even the issue of advertising does not arise. There are calls to ban the advertisement of alcohol. The advertisement of junk food however, continues unabated. This is in spite of the strain they are putting on health services in managing the resultant conditions from their use.

Call to Re-Categorise Junk Food
I think that junk food causes the same (if not more) harm as drugs. I therefore think something should be done to discourage people from eating it. If that is not possible, then it should be taken in moderation (like a controlled drug). If this is not done, we are going to have a health crisis. That is my take, but then, am just a Layman. Who takes me seriously?

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